Identification Division. Program-id. TestUBND. * * test sur la clause OCCURS n TO UNBOUNDED * Environment Division. Data Division. Working-storage Section. * Gestion memoire dynamique 01 W-DYNA-CEEGTST pic X(8) value 'CEEGTST '. 01 W-DYNA-CEECZST pic X(8) value 'CEECZST '. 01 W-DYNA-CEEFRST pic X(8) value 'CEEFRST '. 01 W-DYNA-HEAPID pic 9(8) comp-5 value 0. 01 W-DYNA-SIZE pic 9(8) comp-5. 01 W-DYNA-ADDR pointer. * Abend 01 AB00-U5CEAB pic S9(9) comp-5. 01 AB00-U5RSAB pic S9(9) comp-5. 01 AB00-U5CAAB pic S9(9) comp-5 value 1. * Table UNBOUNDED 01 L-VARCHAR pic 9(8) comp-5. * Linkage Section. * Table UNBOUNDED 01 VARCHAR. 02 pic X occurs 0 to unbounded depending on L-VARCHAR. Procedure Division. Main. move 8174 to L-VARCHAR W-DYNA-SIZE call W-DYNA-CEEGTST using W-DYNA-HEAPID W-DYNA-SIZE W-DYNA-ADDR omitted set address of VARCHAR to W-DYNA-ADDR move 'Hello World !' to VARCHAR . Abend. * Dump à analyser sous DumpMaster move 666 to AB00-U5CEAB move 1638 to AB00-U5RSAB call 'CEE3AB2' using AB00-U5CEAB AB00-U5RSAB AB00-U5CAAB . Bye. Goback . End program TestUBND.