LineID Message code Message text 68 IGYDS1050-E File "CONTROL-REPORT" contained no data record descriptions. The file definition was discarded. 69 IGYDS0148-S "REPORT" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. Same message on line: 837 69 IGYDS1082-E A period was required. A period was assumed before "REPORT". 69 IGYDS1089-S "REPORT" was invalid. Scanning was resumed at the next area "A" item, level-number, or the start of the next clause. Same message on line: 837 839 IGYDS0148-S "RD" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 839 IGYDS1089-S "RD" was invalid. Scanning was resumed at the next area "A" item, level-number, or the start of the next clause. 840 IGYDS0148-S "CONTROL" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. Same message on line: 864 841 IGYDS0148-S "LIMIT" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 842 IGYDS0148-S "HEADING" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. Same message on line: 846 864 843 IGYDS0148-S "DETAIL" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. Same message on line: 844 904 921 844 IGYDS0148-S "LAST" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 846 IGYDS1089-S "TYPE" was invalid. Scanning was resumed at the next area "A" item, level-number, or the start of the next clause. Same message on line: 864 904 921 849 IGYDS1089-S "SOURCE" was invalid. Scanning was resumed at the next area "A" item, level-number, or the start of the next clause. Same message on line: 853 856 859 862 867 869 871 875 878 881 884 887 890 907 909 911 913 915 917 919 862 IGYDS0148-S "PAGE-COUNTER" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. Same message on line: 1512 1071 IGYPS2052-S An error was found in the definition of file "CONTROL-REPORT". The reference to this file was discarded. Same message on line: 1210 1072 IGYPS0148-S "INITIATE" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 1072 IGYPS2072-S "INITIATE" was invalid. Skipped to the next verb, period or procedure-name definition. 1124 IGYPS0148-S "LINE-COUNTER" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 1124 IGYPS2121-S "LINE-COUNTER" was not defined as a data-name. The statement was discarded. 1169 IGYPS2072-S "GENERATE" was invalid. Skipped to the next verb, period or procedure-name definition. 1209 IGYPS0148-S "TERMINATE" is a reserved word related to language not supported by this compiler. The statement was discarded. 1209 IGYPS2072-S "TERMINATE" was invalid. Skipped to the next verb, period or procedure-name definition. 1485 IGYPS2079-S Expected a verb or "NEXT SENTENCE", but found "GENERATE". The statement was discarded. 1512 IGYPS2121-S "PAGE-COUNTER" was not defined as a data-name. The statement was discarded. 2177 IGYPS2015-I The paragraph or section prior to paragraph or section "XD-999-EXIT" did not contain any statements. 2431 IGYPS2015-I The paragraph or section prior to paragraph or section "WA-999-EXIT" did not contain any statements. Messages Total Informational Warning Error Severe Terminating Printed: 59 2 2 55 End of compilation 1, program ML404P, highest severity: Severe. Return code 12 make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 12. Stop. oakmere[/devl/IBM/programs/cobol/source]$