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All ideas

Showing 4820

Enhance PDTools plug-ins to provide Multi Factor Authentication capability

Customer's team uses plug-ins to access the PD Tools products (FA, FM, DT, APA), but they must enable MFA (multi-factor authentication, a.k.a. 2FA or 2-factor authentication) in order for their security implementation to work.
about 7 years ago in File Manager for z/OS 0 Delivered

CICS/Liberty: DFHSJ* messages should be written to JESMSGLG

Messages DFHSJ* are written to MSGUSR. As long as these messages are not written to JESMSGLG, it is not possible to create alerts when the some messages pop up.DFHSJ* messages created by the Liberty Server should be written to JESMSGLG as well.
about 7 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Delivered

Thai Language supports on IDz Eclipse.

Thai characters in dataset and JCL cannot display under z/OS Project Perspective.We could not find code page IBM-838
over 4 years ago in z/OS Explorer / Client 2 Delivered

Ability to override parameters in a JVM profile when sharing between JVM servers

We share CICS LIBERTY ports across many LIBERTY CICS regions and also share the same LIBERTY.jvmprofile. CICS Liberty does not allow Shared Port supports for IBM Health Checker, Debug port -Xrunjdwp and using single LIBERTY.jvmprofile rendering th...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 5 Delivered

Adding elements while creating package

Currently, when using the CARMA/Endevor interface,it is required to first *create the Package* first, thenseparately add the elements. It would be extremelyuseful to be able to add the elements and create the Package at the same time.
about 7 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Host/Distributed SCM Integration 2 Delivered

Provide an option for storing members with ISPF statistics from any source

Provide an option for storing members with ISPF statistics from different sources:- SDSF EDIT session (via command "SJ") .- From REXX or ISPF exec/clist
about 7 years ago in IBM Data Set Commander 2 Delivered

Endevor, Access to the Derived and Input (BoM) object from CARMA

The ability to view the result, in terms of resulting objects from an Endevor build is currently available from the the 3270 interface.For those users using the Quick Edit functionality, it is known as the LO function (List Output)At the same time...
almost 12 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Host/Distributed SCM Integration 4 Delivered

Implement the old functional code of RLIM in CUA/CICS in TOM

"Change function" in RLIM in TOM (Tivoli OMEGAMON Manger) must be implemented in order to increase the operational efficiency for any CICS/OMEGAMON/Data Center. This function was originally available in OMEGAMON/CUA
over 4 years ago in IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS / Product functionality 1 Delivered

Improvement when typing in "-CE" tab

Type a lot of Data Element in a Data Aggregate (or Report Entity or other) is not so fast and efficient as in PACBASE. If I know each Data Element to put in my Data Aggregate (or Report Entity or other) why I need to search each of them ? It would...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

After changing file permissions still unable to access file via RSE connection.

Through RSE connections one cannot gain access to a file where permissions were updated until a disconnect/reconnect happens.
about 7 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Usability 2 Delivered