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Showing 6116

Need support for multi-node or remote administration from TXSeries admin console.

Received this requirement during TXSeries v8.1 beta workshop in China in 2Q 2013. Most of the customers who attended the workshop (e.g. PBOC, SDCCBA etc.) demanded remote administration capability to be able to use the admin console for realistic ...
about 11 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Other 2 Not under consideration

Extend the monitoring data to various standard formats such as SOAP etc.

SDCCBA would like to see monitoring data in different formats such as SOAP etc. so that it can be consumed by different tools.
over 11 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

When a task is forcepurged, dump the commarea information.

This requirement was received from SDCCBA through tech sales team. This is a very important requirement for SDCCBA.
about 11 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Need role based authentication in admin console

This requirement came up during the TXSeries v8.1 beta workshops conducted in China in 3Q, 2013. This is a per-requisite for many Chinese customers to be using TXSeries administration console.
about 11 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Other 2 Not under consideration

Integrate monitoring views in TXSeries admin console.

Current monitoring feature supports Tivoli. SDCCBA needs the same monitoring features to be incorporated into admin console.
over 11 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Other 2 Not under consideration

Add a specific statistics data on TX Series Monitor data

Customer want to get the information of used frequecy and elapsed time of user application program used LINK or XCTL
about 12 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

'Delay between failing message retries'

" The 'Delay between failing message retries' property in not availablefor activation specification when using WebSphere MQ JMS provider in WebSphere Application server. There is no any recommended way to setup activation Specification properties ...
about 12 years ago in TXSeries for Multiplatforms / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Boost up the performance of CTG on ctg.ini (AIX)

Hi Lab, this is our ctg.ini configuration(CTG Version : Build Level c920-20180312-1735 / AIX 7200-02-02-1810)----------------------------------SECTION GATEWAY closetimeout=30000 connectionlogging=on cicslogging=off initconnect=1 initworker...
about 5 years ago in CICS Transaction Gateway / Runtime 1 Not under consideration

Dynamic configuration of the Gateway daemon

It is not possible to make changes to the product configuration without restarting. The requirement is to enable dynamic updates to product configuration.
over 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Gateway / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Fields specified in a BMS map with attributes JUSTIFY=RIGHT,ZERO do not appear correctly in EPI applications

Fields in the (COM) EPI application that are to contain embedded nulls also suffer from "early truncation". As the field is processed, the first null is encountered and is deemed to be the terminator of the string, ignoring the remainder of the data.
over 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Gateway / Runtime 2 Not under consideration