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Showing 6116

RDz 9.0.1 The linking between the Outline view and editor when viewing JCL only works one way.

The linking between the Outline view and editor when viewing JCL only works one way. When you select something in the Outline view the JCLin the editor repositions to that location in the JCL as expected. When you reposition the cursor (current li...
over 10 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Usability 2 Not under consideration

enhance conent assist in RD/z

I have enclosed three files showing what I mean: SyntaxIndexRDZa - showing Ctrl+space after typing "index" in the editor - not a Whole lot of help for the syntax for index. SyntaxIndexRDZb - showing Ctrl+space after typing "index(" in the editor -...
over 10 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 7 Not under consideration

Set EIBERR if terminal is no longer usable

If a CICS terminal suffers a TERMERR condition and/orsuffers a Terminal Control abend, the manuals say thatthe task must no longer issue TC commands.But there's no mechanism for an application to determinethat the task is in that situation (other ...
over 10 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

enhance Lookup view to provide more functionality

We have as an examlple MVS7Quicref that looks like RDz Lookup view. In RDz you can dubbleclick on a message and right click to show it in Lookup. But this is not true with IBM's PLI compiler messages and for that matter the PLI language reference....
over 10 years ago in Fault Analyzer for z/OS 2 Not under consideration

Long compile time with -qsmp=omp for non-openmp files

XLC enforces -qhot optimization steps with -qsmp=omp option even for non-OMP source files, making the compile time unnecessarily long for such cases. The -qsmp=omp compile time issue becomes a dramatic problem because in user's makefile, the optio...
over 10 years ago in C/C++ and Fortran Compilers / C/C++ 6 Not under consideration

Process a Fast Path Secondary Index as a Database

We would like to perform an ACBGEN of a PSB if the only PCB within that PSB is for a Fast Path Secondary Index.
over 10 years ago in IMS Database Manager / Fast Path 1 Not under consideration

Memory view add monitor action

In the memory view, you can right click and choose go to address.  That action opens the address in the current memory monitor.  However, sometimes it is desirable to open the addresss in a new monitor such that the two addresses can be ...
over 10 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / TPF Toolkit 2 Not under consideration

Allow users to create macro groups

Allow the user to create their own macro groups in the macro group breakpoint dialog.
over 10 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / TPF Toolkit 2 Not under consideration

Remote location for dumps

Allow the user to specify a remote repository (ie linux) such that TPF can FTP the dump files automatically to the TPF system. An alternative approach is to provide a dump viewer that does not require a TPF test system.
over 10 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / TPF Toolkit 2 Not under consideration

ZDBUG ACCESS on a file id

Provide ZDBUG ACCESS controls for the TPF File View to limit access to TPF Files based on the file ID.
over 10 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / TPF Toolkit 2 Not under consideration