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IBM Z Software

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All ideas

Showing 1712

Add the ability to locate a specific job within an application schedule without the need to manually browse

When looking for a specific job in an IWS application ID you have to manually browse through the schedule to find the job your looking for. It would be nice to be able to enter an 'F <jobName>' command in the primary command line to go strai...
over 1 year ago in IBM Z Workload Scheduler 0 Future consideration

Support for Software A.G.'s EntireX product

Extend your COBOL and Natural applications to the digital economy with APIs webMethods EntireX provides a cost-effective and efficient path for IT modernization and API enablement—whether you need to integrate mainframe assets into process applica...
about 3 years ago in Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Task history collection filters to reduce/control collection.

Task history collection collects records for all task in the region. We want to be able to filter on what tasks are collected. and only collect the records for tasks that pass the filters setup for the region. The filters could be, but not limited...
over 1 year ago in IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS / Product functionality 1 Future consideration

Include ZOAU as part of base Python

If using Python on zOS it is very likely it will be required to access zOS resources and therefore ZOAU will be required. To reduce the overheads associated with installing and maintaining 2 x products, ZOAU should come as part of the base Python ...
over 2 years ago in IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python 1 Future consideration

UserBuild enabled IDEs to pass dependency set for uploading to USS

Problem: We are facing an issue where a certain type of programs dependencies are not being discovered during the user build. The program will compile just fine as long as the dependencies are available on USS. So one challenge is to get all the r...
about 2 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS 5 Future consideration

Allow quick navigation in E3270UI by overtyping CICSPlex and Region name

In some E3270UI workspaces you can overtype the CICSPlex and Region name to allow you to quick navigate to data about other regions. This is not universally true, and on such case is the task history workspace (KCPTASH). Could you please add this ...
10 months ago in IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS / All components 0 Future consideration

Display Origination APPLID in Task History screen (KCPTASH)

In a complex CICS environment where hundreds of regions route workload dynamically with CPSM things get hard to track where work came from. CICS provided a SMF field OAPPLID to tell us where the current transaction originated from. Can you please ...
10 months ago in IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS / Product functionality 1 Future consideration

Store Up/Down Message in ASF and show in DISPINFO

The message(s) that triggered ACTIVMSG, resp. TERMMSG, should be stored in the Automation Status File (ASF) along with the already available timestamp.This information should then also be shown by DISPINFO. This requirement has been discussed at E...
over 8 years ago in IBM Z System Automation 0 Future consideration

Create INODE version upgrade tool.

Currently for z/TPF TFS INODEs there is no available functionality to upgrade an INODE to the most current INODE version. In some systems, directories/files have been present since the initialization of the TPF TFS and are still at INODE version ‘...
3 months ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 0 Future consideration

Correlate the PST processing the request with QUERY ODBM TYPE(THREAD) information in IMS to identify and kill the concerned long running threads and regions.

This is very useful to identify and kill the inefficient and long running IMS SQLs. At the moment we cannot correlate between the ODBM threads and processing region (DBT) on IMS side. There could be queries that could run longer and do not fill th...
5 months ago in IMS Database Manager / Open Access DB 1 Future consideration