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Rational Programming Patterns

Showing 253

Ano-V9.1-17 – Remarques sur les micro-pattern

Ano-V9.1-17 ? Remarques sur les micro-pattern* Leur classement est d?routant, sur les fichiers nous avons OPE, R, W dans le tiroir Fragments, RW, RN dans le tiroir Fragments RPP pour macro et il manque le CLO des fichiers * Traitement des structur...
about 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

RPPZ DataElement Search by Floating numeric

See PMR 77040,379,000. Would be useful to perform a server advanced design search for dataelements by floating numeric type. i.e. search for elements with a picture clause of pic 9(7)V99. Currently, only numeric type INTEGER exists.
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Allow User created Snippets to use exising plugins

Existing Snippets that are available as part of RPP are stored in plugins, which, allow the user to manage the positioning of the code. When the developer creates Snippets, the code positioning is not handled the same way as when the developer use...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

[Tous clients]Complement fichier NS avec entites en variante N

Bonjour, dans le cadre du suivi des entites dont seul le modele est migre, il faudrait ajouter dans le fichier NS, en sortie de MIAM, les programmes et ecrans qui sont en variante N (a ne pas generer). Il faut egalement les "toper" de fa?on ? les ...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

Segment DED C1 and C2 Views

RPPz is missing the segment's -DED screen, in particular the C2 View. Although the Level-Address-and-Length tab lists the elements and their Internal and Input formats (similar to DED C1 View in Pacbase), the RELATIONAL NAME of the elements (DED C...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

Document cible ouvert lors de la publication

RPP V9.1 ? Document cible ouvert lors de la publicationLors de la publication de n'importe quelle entit?, l'utilisateur ne sait pas si l'op?ration a abouti ou nonEn particulier, si le fichier cible est d?j? ouvert, rien n'indique que la publicatio...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Déplacement d'une rubrique entre deux bibliothèques

V9.1 ? D?placement d'une rubrique entre deux biblioth?quesUne rubrique est cr??e dans la biblioth?que TMP puis remont?e en biblioth?que sup?rieure appel?e ADDLa rubrique est alors en erreur ? cause du crit?re ??jeu de param?tres??Nous devons inter...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Informations insuffisantes lors de la publication d'entités

RPP V9.1 ? Informations insuffisantes lors de la publication d'entit?sExemple, lors de la publication d'un segment, nous ne retrouvons que l'?quivalent du ??-CE?? (pas d'information sur la position / longueur des donn?es par exemple)
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

Program does not generate when a Macro has errors

When a new macro is created, the program using the macro does not generate if the macro has errors. Currently with Pacbase when the program is compiled, the COBOL is generated and the compile errors can be seen and can be corrected.With RPPz, ther...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 5 Delivered

Deleting entities still in use

The tool allows the deletion of a code component (element, segment, report, etc) that is being used by another component, (program, report, segment, etc). The tool gives notification about the broken cross reference after the deletion has occurred...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered