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This requirement has been re-assessed. It is not likely that this will be implemented in the next 12-24 months and so it is being declined at this point. The requirement will be kept in the RFE system and might be reassessed in the future. You also have an opportunity to resubmit in twelve months time if you wish it to be reconsidered then.
As of CICS Explorer v5.3.9 the View Export/Import file formatting is consistent across releases. This opens the door (at release upgrade time) to Export views from one release and then Import them to a higher level release. It also allows more flexibility with sharing views among specific groups.
As an example, I could envision a specific application group having a set of views that they want to share/preserve across releases. It would be nice if they could store them in zFS and at upgrade time just add the links to the plugin-customization.ini or be able to do a "LOAD" view (as with the connections screen) today.
It would also open the door for the users (at upgrade time/or in a team sharing context) to be able to copy an existing plugin-customization.ini from a prior release or share with a team member.
I hope this helps,
Hi there,
Thanks for this - when we originally played the function back to the design partnership, we talked about the idea of a centrally managed set of views kept in sync but there was little appetite. Most customers said that they would just allow their employees to share views ad-hoc so we scoped the implementation to match.
If your needs are different from this it would be useful to have an example of what you would plan to do for reference, but as things stand we don't plan to make significant changes in this area in the immediate future.