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Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - Transaction Processing
Product - CICS Transaction Server
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - WebSphere
Product family - Transaction Processing
Product - CICS Transaction Server
The RFE is marked as delivered. The functionality is provoded in CICS TS 5.1, but only for CICS key XPLINK applications. There are currently no plans to solve it for user key xplink applications.
The problem is not switching keys without changing TCBs (we do that for example running quasirent applications in either key under QR TCB which is a key 8 TCB). The problem is that operating system services require the key of the TCB to match the execution key. For example if you were to issue an MVS getmain from a user key application running on QR TCB, the MVS GETMAIN would give you key 8 storage (CICS key storage) because it looks at the key of the TCB rather than the PSW key. Key 8 storage is useless for a key 9 applucation ! The problem does not exist for CICS services, because CICS API commands do not reference the key of the TCB.
For XPLINK applications, we are running batch LE which uses MVS services which requires the key of the TCB to match the PSW key.
We're running without storage protection which should mean all the application code runs in key 8. If this is true then we can use XPLINK without worrying about task switching.
However, storage protection is a long-term goal. If we convert to storage protection I guess our only choice would be to run everything in CICS key which would kind of defeats the purpose.
I undertand why TRUE's must run in key 8. I also know this is a tough nut to crack, but are there any plans for switching keys without changing TCB's?
A Task Related User Exit (TRUE) always runs in CICS Key (Key 8). Typically it is issuing operating system or other requests that require the execution key and the key of the TCB to be in sync. So a TRUE always has to run on a Key 8 TCB.
In CICS TS 5.1, we enhanced the TRUE interface to allow a TRUE to run on any key 8 TCB, not just an L8, and the CICS-DB2 TRUE exploits this. It means that Java programs that run on a T8 can use the T8 and not have to switch to L8. The same is true for CICS key, XPLINK programs. These run on an X8 TCB and the X8 TCB will be used to access DB2. However for user key XPLINK programs, these run on an X9. As we cannot use a key 9 TCB for a TRUE, there will be a switch to a key 8 TCB to access DB2. It will use an L8 TCB.
So the function you request is available in CICS TS 5.1, but only for CICS key programs. Would you be able to exploit this ?