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The following IBM deliverables have been made available to address this requirement
1. Open Liberty issue - This causes Liberty endpoints to delay their startup until all defined Web apps have started. This solves the issue in the RFE for web apps defined prior to startup as Liberty elements but does not address the issue for web apps installed via a CICS bundle. The code change was delivered in Liberty Fix Pack (CICS TS APAR PH19704)
2. CICS TS V5.5 APAR PH14856 - This ensures the CICS Link to Liberty listener starts after web applications are enabled, meaning CICS LINK requests will return a PGMIDERR before the Liberty web app is available.
3. CICS TS V5.5 APAR PH08321 - This ensures that CICS bundle resources containing Liberty web applications become enabled only once the Web applications have started and registered their context root in the Liberty server
4. CICS TS V5.6 INQUIRE/SET JVMENDPOINT - This provides a CICS SPI to query the state of Liberty HTTP and JMS endpoints and to enable and disable them
5. Technical blog on "Avoiding HTTP outages by managing Liberty endpoints" which describes how to use CICS policy system rules to start Liberty HTTP endpoints once a CICS bundle is enabled using the function provided in items 3 & 4
Further potential function is planned via RFE to allow a system policy rule to be triggered when multiple conditions evaluate true, such as multiple bundle resources becoming enabled.
Our application area is using the Link to Liberty feature and we are having similar concerns. In our case we need to stop all application activity in the region such as web services, MQ triggers and CPSM routed work until all applications are started. A message to the system log indicating that all Liberty applications have been started would be a huge help.
Thanks, Steve
we strongly vote for this PMR and have exactly the same problem. Liberty opens the TCP/IP-Port, but upcoming application isn't ready. That leads to a lot of errors in the application-environment.
We run in that situation at every CICS-Start and at every deployment of a new version of an application, when Liberty has to be restarted.
So, we strongly need a solution to start Liberty with a closed port and open the port when application is ready.
Best regards, Juergen
This is a candidate for a future release.