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Hi Arshia,
Although it is not possible to pass the history file DSN from the CICS region to the IDIS subsystem the desired outcome can be achieved by using a DumpRegistrationExits Control exit. The following example uses the jobname of the requesting CICS region to set the ENV.IDIHIST field ie the history file DSN.
/* Sample Dump Registration Control exit */
JobList.0 = 2
JobList.2 = "AS680F1 CICSTST2 CICSTST3"
Do i = 1 to JobList.0
Do j = 1 to Words(JobList.i)
If ENV.JOB_NAME = Word(JobList.i,j) Then
HistDSN = Hist.i
Exit 0
Let me know if this gives you the level of control you need,
Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - Development Tooling
Product - IBM Fault Analyzer
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - WebSphere
Product family - Enterprise Tooling
Product - IBM Fault Analyzer
This stemmed from a conversation you and I (or maybe FA Support and I) had back in mid/late 2014. When FA/CICS detected a storage overlay via the XEIIN exit and we had TranDump requested via the CFA transaction parameters for XEIIN, we had failures b/c we are using REXX to specify the history file in our IDICNF00 member without a default IDIHIST member defined. Because the REXX is not executed in this logic path, FA complained that no IDIHIST was defined. The solution was to specify a "default" IDIHIST in our IDICNF00 member for whenever the REXX is not invoked. This RFE is asking for FA/CICS to determine what History File is appropriate for the CICS region and pass that as part of the request to the IDIS STC. The IDIS STC can then use this passed History File rather than using our default/"fallback" history file. This would keep IDIS abends in the same history file as other abends from the same CICS region.
Please can I verify which dump request is being referred to in terms of CICS and IDIS ? For example a SVC dump request as a consequence of a storage overlay detection, and RFR dump etc.
Adrian Simcock