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Dellivered with thePTF for PH26070: MISCELLANEOUS BUG FIXES FA 14.1.12.
I just wanted to put a quick response on this RFE. Firstly I will look at the possibility of adding a combined date/time field as an new column in the Fault Entry display. Secondly I will also look at the possibility of filtering based on a date/time range but this is a more complex change than the combined field and so may be an extended delivery item.
Also, with regards "Currently a 300117 date is "Bigger" then 010217 which makes no sense in sorting." I assume you have a LOCALE option specified which is causing the dates to be displayed as ddmmyy ? You can add the FADATE suboption to the LOCALE option that will force the date column to be yyyy/mm/dd which can then be more logically sorted eg: LOCALE(Da_DK.IBM-1047, FADATE) .
Adrian Simcock