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This requirement is addressed by z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2) V3.0.52 / APAR PH41977:
Specifically in PH40416:
This would be huge for us as well for debugging issues. We opened a similar RFE with RTC ID: 33835 that had 14 Votes
Currently we are debugging a lot of GMOMW0005E errors and they only provide the field name that encountered the error. Initially these were easy to debug but now that the environment is growing at a rapid pace it is near impossible as the error only contains the name of the field. There is no name of the API executed when the error is encountered.
Use case:
The GMOMW0005E mentions the error of A data type conversion error occurred while the leaf field XYZ of service interface null was converted: GMOMW0021E: Metadata is missing for field "XYZ" in the service interface file. Missing element is: responseDirection.
With it only giving us the field XYZ we cannot relate it to an API or Service without extensive research as to what we running at the time of the errors and then walking through the swagger of every API/Service. The name of the API or service with the error would be extremely helpful in debugging