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Not a problem in our environment - therefor no vote.
So far we never had any issues with that even with multiple controlling systems on one CEC. Also the Monitor1-time depends on the starting time of the netview stcs so there’s a low chance of monitor-runs at the same time.
Low priority for us. Nice to have
Another nice to have. For us, not a problem at this stage, but who knows.
Prio Low
Not voted: We haven’t had any issues with this. Runs default every 5 minutes in < 1 second, where start time seems to depend on when netview stc’s are initialized and therefor runs random across the plexes. So the chance that 2 Lpar run at the exact same time is 0.2% for us (and I think 0.001% for a third?)
Although we don't have any problems with Monitor 1, I think it should be possible to define a starting time of the monitor so that we are prepared if we encounter a problem.
FIS/Worldpay also has multiple K systems on each CEC. We have not seen this cause any capacity issue. I see where it could. No vote.
we don't find MONITOR1 a problem in our environment. (so not voting)
We run with the default value and with multiple Ksys on the same CEC and have no problems with it.
Just in case the tasks running with Monitor 1 will increase in the future it could be helpful to straighten the use of resources and have different start times Monitor 1 in the different systems or sysplexes.
The priority is low.
we love standard environments, but can understand your case. not needed for us though.