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IBM Z Software

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Showing 4819

HOD - TLS 1.2 support with MSCAPI

We need to be able to configure HOD with TLS 1.2 using MSCAPI because with JSSE, it is not possible to pre-configure for TLS 1.2. With tens of thousands of users having to manual configure as the product is currently designed is not manageable and...
over 8 years ago in IBM Host On-Demand  / Dependency software 1 Delivered

PL/I editor - hover function

If a developer uses the PL/I editor to change a program, it is possible to hover over an %INCLUDE statement to see the content of that include member. Hitting F2 lets this window keep the focus and it is possible to look around in that include mem...
about 5 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Usability 3 Delivered

IMS TM Resource Adapter support on WebSphere Liberty Profile

System : An online business application accessing IMS TMActor : Customer Description:Our application development team has a plan to run IMS TMRA application in WebSphere Liberty, however we do not have the formal support of WebSphere Liberty as IM...
over 10 years ago in IMS Transaction Manager / Open Access TM 1 Delivered

Additional buffer flush controls to replication log

System: CICS VSAM Recovery (CICS VR)Actor: Replication log readers CICS VR provides replication logging for non-CICS TS address spaces. Logged replication changes are buffered in the non-CICS TS address space performing VSAM I/O and are flushed to...
over 8 years ago in CICS VSAM Recovery for z/OS / Runtime 2 Delivered

lowercase UUID() and UUID4()

As described in rfc4122, PL/I (everyone) should generate UUID's in lowercase.As it is currently uppercase, you may enable this by a compiler option.
over 3 years ago in PL/I Compilers 2 Delivered

Improved flexibility with Supersession trigger keys

We are in the process of migrating from another Session Manager product to Supersession. Our customer is used to having the possibility to select a session from their main session menu using shortcuts (F1 for first session, F2 for second session a...
over 3 years ago in IBM CL/SuperSession for z/OS / Runtime 2 Delivered

consumption-based chargeback

this requirement is about adding consumption based chargeback for zVM&KVM.chargeback is supposed a key feature to IaaS provider use case.Potential customers: Sogei, Citi; UHG; SSA, BCBS, Sicoob, etc.
over 1 year ago in IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center 3 Delivered

If step does not have SYSOUT or SYSPRING, JES step does not show return code

When submitting a job, if there is an error, the JES should generate the SYSPRINT or SYSOUT regardless of the DUMMY DD in the JCL.
over 8 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Enterprise Service Tools 4 Delivered

Renumber the two columns if the option 'Check for sequence numbers in both areas' is ticked.

The new 'Check for sequence numbers in both areas' Unnumbering option is linked to RFE 68691 (delivered in RDz 9.5.1). It can be reached in Window > Preferences > COBOL > Editor > Sequence Numbers.When this option is selected and the U...
over 8 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 6 Delivered

Plug-in development: Enhance the IRemoteCommand interface to customize the timeout-value

Please add the possibility to customize the timeout-value at the IRemoteCommand interface. The default is 20 seconds, which is to low in some cases.
over 8 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Other/Unknown 4 Delivered