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All ideas

Showing 4820

RDz should check on length of Data Names

The COBOL compiler has a limit of 30 characters for data names. The Knowledge Center shows this: When editing a COBOL program (either with th...
over 8 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 2 Delivered

Java support for distributed side

RFE opened on behalf of BNPP BNPP would like to load Java sources from the distributed world, as native AD information. BNPP wants to perform queries (graphs and reports) integrated with other standard AD data.

CICS CM enhancement for CSDs and DREPs comparison

I just delivered a PoC for ICBC which using CICS CM to compare their CSDs and DREPs. Based on the PoC result and customer's requirements, we expect CM can provide the below functions in the next release:1. CICS CM Batch Comparison enhancement for ...
over 10 years ago in CICS Configuration Manager for z/OS / Runtime 8 Delivered

Rational Programming Patterns: having an display of indicatifs in a segment.

Hi, Before in PACBASE, in the -DED segment the "indicatif" were displayed. Now in RPP there no longer the -DED screen and the "indicatif" are not displayed in a global detailed view of the segment. It could be problematic when dealing with segment...
over 6 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

The default filter for key templates and keys should include Managing system=Web

When working with a combined EKMF Web & Workstation setup, EKMF Web will, by default, show all keys and key templates.Changing the filter to only show key templates and keys that EKMF Web can work with will simplify the workflow and improve th...
about 2 years ago in Enterprise Key Management Foundation / EKMF Web 0 Delivered

Add an IMS transaction filter (transaction and IMSID) when setting an IMS Isolation debugging session in IDz

When you try to setup an IMS Isolation transaction debugging session in IDz, the product load every transaction available. This load take lots of time when you have a lots of transaction. The product/APi should offer the same fonctionnality as the...
about 4 years ago in Debug for z/OS 2 Delivered

JES jobname+number in editor-tab name part

When a JES job is opened in RDz the editor tab shows only the jobnumber.We would like it to show the jobname and number like in the JES tree. If possible this could be an option as some customers might like some other naming.
over 10 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 4 Delivered

Indicator for Build Process

There is no indicator showing where the Build process is at or what is occurring in the process.

Allow intermediate certificates to be used with IDz Host Connect Emulator

Certificates placed in the Intermediate CA store are not referenced whereas the certificates under Trusted Root are referenced.Customers have chains of multiple certificates often if they use their own CA. Verisign requires that a chain be used.
over 6 years ago in IBM Host Access Transformation Services / Other 2 Delivered

Improved usability for data set commander batch wizard - choosing utility for the end user

When using the option to copy, the user sees the following utilities1 COPY copy members from one or more partitioned libraries 2 COPYMOD copy program object members with reblocking 3 COPYGRP copy member groups (primary and aliases) from one librar...
over 4 years ago in IBM Data Set Commander 4 Delivered