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All ideas

Showing 4820

Allow configurable data header use in the High Speed Connector

Allow configurable data/transport protocol header use in the High Speed Connector. Possible solutions could entail a configuration in the endpoint group xml file. Or could provide User Exit in the High Speed Connector to manipulate the stream to t...
over 6 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 1 Delivered

FileUpload dialog

EGL is designed for people not knowing HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, JSF etc. We would like to have a dialog to upload files to the server and receive them as a blob. The only (non-working) examples on the EGL-web are in JSP, JSF etc. Abacadabra to...
over 12 years ago in IBM Rational Business Developer / EGL Language 3 Delivered

Provide comparable reporting once offered in EPILOG

We are a Monoplex environment. v550 does not offer a comparable reporting engine for our environment since EPILOG was sunsetted. We run GPMSERVE only on demand, so the RMF data is not collected and stored. We are not looking to activate any SYSPLE...
over 6 years ago in IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS 1 Delivered

Enhance JES Spool Refresh

Allow the refresh option (PF5) to work when a Job Name:Job Number is highlighted in the JES Area.
over 12 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 3 Delivered

Cobol 5 Sort Table in-place

Sort in Enterprise COBOL 5.2 does not sort in-place when sorting an array in storage, but instead allocates a work copy of the array to perform the sorting and allocates additional storage as well.This is inefficient and unsuitable when used with ...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 4 Delivered

Crytographic Protocols setting granularity in CTS

With CTS 5.1 the Encryption options in the SIT allow settings such as All, Strong, Medium etc. These in turn relate to security protocols, e.g. SSLV3 (now no longer secure !), TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 etc. We would prefer to have the ability to define spe...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 6 Delivered

ZUnit: Set Capture file I/O in options dialog

It would be easier and faster for the user if this preference setting could be set in the Create Testcase Editor via the Options button. The setting would be done per Testcase and not centrally. The default setting should still be set for a captur...
about 3 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / zUnit 2 Delivered

New value attribute VALUELISTFROM

As a supplement to VALUELIST it might be good to have a new attribute VALUELISTFROM:VALUELISTFROM( x ) would also specify the allowed values that a variable could hold. But x is a named constant structure - therefore all their constants (attribute...
over 6 years ago in PL/I Compilers 4 Delivered

Hourglass 6.1 - Migration from v5.2 required but Batch Interface ADD/DEL missing

Main issue - and this is a NO-GO issue for the migration - is the missing Batch API they used with earlier Hourglass releases. FI opened the PMR 28110 to get the code and the documentation of the HourGlass Control Center Batch Utility (AGGCXBU). H...
almost 13 years ago in IBM HourGlass for z/OS 1 Delivered

List of Control-M elements

In the tab "Explore … (project name)", we can't see the list of available project resources on Control-M type. Our need is to have the list of Control-M elements in this tab (like other types, IWS for example).