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Showing 1706

NetView command to refresh RACF access privileges

We need to protect modification commands, and only grant access to them as and when required. As NetView caches the RACF access privileges, it means commands can still be used after the access is taken away. NetView needs to either use the live RA...
over 7 years ago in IBM Z NetView 1 Future consideration

Improve current KOBSZOS so that this panel can provide detailed monitoring and problem management capabilities

Currently KOBSZOS provides: LPAR, SMFID, Sysplex and System name(s), plus their Model & Serial number(s) and the VM User ID(s) (when applicable). This in no way helps to avoid outages, nor does it provide monitoring data as is claimed in the O...
10 months ago in IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Enterprise Cobol V6R2+ Support REPLACE directive with ALSO phrase

ISO/IEC 1989:202x WD 1.00 describes the ALSO phrase for compiler directive REPLACE. This is currently not implemented in Enterprise Cobol 6.2. ALSO will enable us to use more than one REPLACE statement in Cobol source without overriding the replac...
about 5 years ago in COBOL Compilers 2 Future consideration

SYSRESVIEW equivalent in CICS Explorer

We need an equivalent of SYSRESVIEW in WUI for CICS Explorer.
over 3 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Explorer 2 Future consideration

Make CICS WUI dataset EYUWREP optional

The documentation at states that the EYUWREP file "contains the Web User Interface server view and menu definitions". I believe this includes any user groups...
about 5 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 1 Future consideration

Parmgen enhancement for OMEGAMON XE z/OS 5.3, XE CICS 5.3, PE for DB2 5.3, MQ 7.3 etc.

RFE for Parmgen OMEGAMON XE z/OS 5.3, XE CICS 5.3, PE for DB2 5.3, MQ 7.3 etc.: We have several user modified members in different libs which we always have to take care not to overwrite them by parmgen.Most customized members are in RKANPARU or R...
over 8 years ago in IBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS 3 Future consideration

Need the ability to perform tailored actions after CESN/L

When a user signs onto CICS using CESN or CESL, the ability for CICS to invoke a new transaction immediately rather than just a message that their sign on was successful after which they have to clear the screen and invoke their next transaction.
about 5 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 0 Future consideration

IWS z/OS IEFACTRT exit should write messages to JOBLOG instead of SYSLOG

Currently the IEFACTRT exit for TWS z/OS (SEQQSAMP member EQQACTR1) writes WTO messages to the z/OS SYSLOG (OPERLOG) when the restart and cleanup feature is used (RCLEANUP(YESL)) parameter. This can be avoided by using IEFYS instead of WTO.
almost 6 years ago in IBM Z Workload Scheduler 0 Future consideration

MQ Provider should propagate client user Thread Identity via MQ to backend subsystems

The current API Provider / MQ-Provider should allow the current RACF Thread Identity to be passed via the MQ message to the backend MQ subsystem to allow the backend applications to execute that request using that same identity. This would then be...
about 4 years ago in z/OS Connect 0 Future consideration

Change value for Pacing gate dynamically

Hello, we would like to have the opportunity to dynamically change values for our Pacing gate we have defined for our Liberty servers since we have started to use System Recovery boost when we ipl our systems. I want to increase the value during i...
about 4 years ago in IBM Z System Automation 0 Future consideration