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Showing 6116

Provide support to specify MM-DD format within JCL instead of Three-digit Julian day

Customer is familiar with specifying MM-DD format in JCL as ISV replace customer from xChange. They would like to set using MM-DD format in JCL, although they know that they could check the Julian date by using REXX exec AGGDD.
over 9 years ago in IBM HourGlass for z/OS 2 Not under consideration

Enhance transaction channel to get container which put in the DPL linked program

ICBC plans to use transaction channel to pass their parameters in a transaction. However in a DPL case, if the transaction channel is created in the linked program, it can't return it to the linker program, which wants to use it.
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Support Transaction Channel on VTAM

ICBC plans to use the function of transaction channel in their product to pass the parameter between programs linked in one transaction. And they are using DPL on VTAM connections, which is not supported by the transaction channel. They need the t...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

DELETE TRAN command to clean RM structure without a tool

After DELETE TRAN and DELETE TRAN DEFN the output from the QRY TRAN command show us TRAN DELETED (transaction name and completion code) of RM structure and that can cause the wrong interpretation, as if the transaction hadn´t been deleted. It woul...
over 9 years ago in IMS System Services / Commands 1 Not under consideration

Replace noise words function is not customizable

When we edit a source within noise words, the Remove noise words function and its parameters does not permit us any change. We are not allowed to choose a new replace noise word (a default blank character systematically replaces the former noise w...
over 9 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 1 Not under consideration

display IBM1789i on declaration

The code below leads to an "IBM1789I The qualifyer foox does not have locator type" for line 90. Imho it would be much clearer if the compile error is thrown for line 20. line 20 is a programmer typo and shall be "...based(addr(foo))"; 10 dcl foo ...
over 9 years ago in PL/I Compilers 4 Not under consideration

Add support for MySQL to Dynamic Scripting 2.0

Please add support for the MYSQL extensions that enable PHP success to a MySQL server.
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Absence de lmicro-pattern pour certains opérateurs Pacbase

Certains op?rateurs du Langage Structur? Pacbase n'ont pas ?t? traduit en micro-patterns RPP. Cela pourrait poser probl?me si ces op?rateurs ?taient utilis?s en param?tres dans des macros-structures. Op?rateurs g?n?raux :- C : compute- MP : multip...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Not under consideration

Le micro-pattern COA génère à tort une instruction "EXIT"

Le micro-pattern "COA" g?n?re ? tort une instruction Cobol "EXIT. ". Sous Pacbase, l'op?rateur "COA" ne fait que cadrer en colonne 8 le texte plac? en op?rande. RPP doit avoir le m?me comportement que Pacbase pour assurer la compatibilit?. --- Rec...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 1 Not under consideration

The request for design Change in HATS to synchronize macro actions with the corresponding screens (threads synchronization)

Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) is used as an interface to the client's mission-critical core banking systems (SMILE) running globally on System i. HATS start some macros before the corresponding screens settle, which causes the wrong v...
over 9 years ago in IBM Host Access Transformation Services / Other 3 Not under consideration