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All ideas

Showing 4833

Using SSL with DT under RD/z

We are being directed to use SSL internally. So, the sysprogs generated keyrings etc for the WUI. I connected using SSL with RD/z to the CICSPlex OK (both on Rd/z V7.6 and V8.0.3). However, when we try to use Debug Tool (V11.1) it also seems to ex...
over 12 years ago in Debug for z/OS 4 Delivered

Support the ATTACH Assembler command with Debug Tool

Debug Tool will not launch into an ATTACHed task in Assembler. NASCO requires this support. The requirement is to debug one of the attached modules at a time. The driver does not require debugging in the same session as the attached modules. Modul...
over 12 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered

MEMORY-Window not usable in SCREEN 6

With SET SCREEN 6 SOURCE MONITOR LOG and a terminal-mode of 62x160 the memory-window can not be used: A SWAP MEMORY LOG is answered by "Invalid Memory window width." In screen-mode 6 the memory window has around 80 columns in width which is enough...
over 12 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered

Provide an extention to display string data using any codepage

Since more and more different code pages are used, debug tool should have extentions to the monitor and listing commands for string data. Most important is the GUI, since this is the only one user interface that supports the display of all codepages.
over 12 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered

Provide a PLAYBACK Facility in the GUI as is currently available in the 3270

Backwards execution capability after an abend (or any other time) would greatly facilitate problem remediation. Also the ability to toggle between forwards and backwards execution would be very helpful.
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered

Highlight the line of code when an abend is encountered during debugging

When there is a program abend when F8 is pressed, the display should highlight the COBOL instruction that was attempted when the abend occurred. Otherwise, it is very difficult to identify which program/subroutine/stored procedure the abend occurr...
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered


As of today, TEST and OPT are at odds. With OPT on, the data areas are protected against change. You need to use a long command before and after changing the value of a data (SET WARNING ON/OFF).We want to be able to change a data value for OPT pr...
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Delivered

Linkage in automonitor

We want to see the linkage section when the program starts. At his time, we need to enter the program by a STEP command, then enter a command (LIST TITLED LS) to get the contents of the linkage section. And the current line is positionned on the P...
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 4 Delivered

LangX - LDD %CU

Add %CU to the LDD command to load the current csect without having to type the name of the csect : can be used in a command file.
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 2 Delivered

Playback functionality from Eclipse interface

Today if we debug with Eclipse interface against Debug Tool the playback commands are not supported. We would like to have this functionality from the eclipse interface.
almost 13 years ago in Debug for z/OS 2 Delivered