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Showing 6119

Aide ? la saisie de micro-pattern

Bonjour,L'appel de micro-pattern de type WI au moyen d'un fragment RPP devrait ouvrir une grille de saisie comme c'est par exemple le cas pour le fragment appelant le micro-pattern "search". Cela ?viterait les erreurs de saisie et les mauvais posi...
about 12 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 5 Not under consideration

Event Capture support for EXEC SQL call

Now the event capture in application program only support the EXEC CICS API, for example PROGRAM INIT or PROGRAM LINK, the data we capture in this level, maybe some raw data that not handled yet, and this is not what we want. And the final data th...
about 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 6 Not under consideration

CICS DUMP with ABCODE of x'40' or x'00'

We have a bunch of applications that don't code their EXEC CICS ABEND ABCODE(WS-CODE) correctly; they are initializing the ABCODE field with spaces or not initializing at all. I was interested in changing the abend code from x'00' or x'40' to some...
about 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 5 Not under consideration

IMS Connect needs to retry automatic reconnection to IMS

Whenever IMS Connect disconnects from IMS due to some external issue it doesn´t automatically reconnect back and it generates the error message DFS5386I. We need a solution to IMS Connect to quickly reconnect to IMS and avoid system unavailability.
about 6 years ago in IMS Transaction Manager / General TM 1 Not under consideration

File Manager should use SSAs with unsigned zoned decmial fields

File Manager/IMS batch functions will create SSAs for decimal fields. This is somewhat understandable, for binary or packed decimal fields. However, for unsigned zoned decimal fields (PIC 9999), an SSA would improve performance dramatically. Recen...
about 12 years ago in File Manager for z/OS 6 Not under consideration

In Debug Tool GUI the user would like to have a default view that shows the variable and the hex vaulue in one view

Variables and Monitors view should have a default Representation that would show both the rendered value and the hexadecimal representation.  Preferably separate columns for value and hex or possibly value followed by hex in the same column.
about 12 years ago in Debug for z/OS 3 Not under consideration

request to indent code in COBOL editor like in Java editor

Currently LPEX and COBOL editor do not indent COBOL code automatically while typing like in Java editor. For example: - type a IF statement and press return key - cursor moves under the IF while it would be also useful to have it indented further ...
about 12 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Other/Unknown 4 Not under consideration

Report CICS JVMServer GC CPU usage

FI  would like CICS to report the CPU cost of Garbage Collection in addition to the elapsed time.This could be added to the JVM server statistics if this is made available for the JVM as an MXBean field.Migrated from FITS MR0704115122
about 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

Sonarqube analyzer for EGL

We want to analyze quality of EGL code.There is already a tool which name is Software Analyzer in RBD.We want to analyze EGL code with Sonarqube besides Software Analyzer.
about 6 years ago in IBM Rational Business Developer / EGL Language 1 Not under consideration


Add to batch DFHCSDUP a CHECK function. Particularly CHECK LIST(L1,L2,L3,L4).
about 12 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Other 3 Not under consideration