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Rational Programming Patterns

Showing 253

RPP : Prise en compte des warnings non intercept?s dans la migration / Wells Fargo

Apr?s la migration, plusieurs warnings ou erreurs apparaissent dans le workspace qui n'ont pas ?t? intercept?s avant. Il faudrait faire en sorte de ne pas les d?couvrir apr?s la migration. Je vous propose de d?cider si ces warnings sont :1. Soit ?...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Recuperer via la vue serveur de design le fichier cbl

Pouvoir recuperer le cbl associ? aux entites Programme et TP via la vue recherch? de design serveur d'un domaine applicatif
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Am?liorer les assistants de bloc et sous-fonctions

Dans les assistants des blocs de fonction et sous fonctions, pouvoir effectuer toutes les manipulations de mise ? jour et disposer de tous les types. Mettre en place une coloration sp?cifique pour ces conditions
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Disposer dans le design explorer une vue hierarchiique des componentss

Dans la vue de Design Explorer de RPP, avoir une arborescence hi?rarchique des ??components?? RTC
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 5 Delivered

Disposer d'une vue hierarchique des components cot? serveur

Disposer d'une vue hierachqiue sur le serveur des components (bibliotheques)
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Elements: Parent-Child Relationship

For impact analysis and research, having the relationship Parent-Child on a list is useful and necessary.Is there a way to get the same functionality that Pacbase provides with the LCE and LDE commands?
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 6 Delivered

Keeping Design and Cobol Source in Sync

When making changes to both the Design and Cobol source, CHECK IN and DELIVER could get cumbersome. The .cblpdp and .cbl could be combined into the same Change Set. However, the .pacprogram is separate. The developer may not Deliver all Change Set...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

Segments missing information

When in Pacbase a name is assigned to a FILLER on the Call of Elements screen, that name (or label as it is called on RPP), it is lost. Refer to Use Case to see an example.
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

Segment Schemas

A segment can have up to 10 schemas, which are defined under the Value/SFC column on the -CE lines screen.It is very difficult to identify what elements belong to a certain schema. If for example an element needs to be part of schema 4, then we ne...
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered

[G2S]Avoir une documentation d?taill?e sur le m?canisme de sparse loading

Cr?er une documentation RPP/RTC d?crivant les r?gles de sparse loading en fonction de la nature des entit?s remont?es (ou descendues).
over 10 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 4 Delivered