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As discussed, CICS PA does provide support for input of SMF data using logstreams. This has been available since CICS PA V5.1. The issue here has been with the SMF data on logstreams being compressed using zEDC.
This RFE will be addressed APAR PI99124 to CICS PA V5.4..
hi this RFE can be withdrawn as the problem is with compressed data not with logstreams per se thanks
Jane, Thank you for submitting this RFE. Can you please tell me which release of CICS PA you are running. CICS PA has supported input of SMF data from logstreams since CICS PA V5.1.
To define logstreams to CICS PA, you need to use Shared System Definitions. Please refer to the knowledge center for details:
Here is an extract from the CICS PA Shared Systems Definition help panel that refers to using logstreams as input:
The name of the SMF log stream that you want to use when producing reports for this system.
SMF log streams cannot be used in combination with SMF data sets for producing reports.
If SMF log stream is specified, a valid retention period value must be specified in the RETPD field.
CICS PA processes the following types of SMF data:
o CMF performance class, exception class, and transaction resource class data (SMF 110 records)
o DB2 accounting data (SMF 101 records)
o WebSphere MQ accounting data (SMF 116 records)
o System Logger data (SMF 88 records)
o OMEGAMON for CICS data (SMF 112 records)
o CICS Transaction Gateway Statistics (SMF 111 records)
I will call you to discuss this in more detail.
Satish Tanna
CICS Tools Offering Manager