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Attachment (Use case): The Backup System application consists of 3 MOVE groups. At the top level, we have SUBKMONGRP sysplex MOVE group to move the application between systems within a sysplex. At the next level we have SUBKUP_SYS, a SYSTEM MOVE group to manage when the SUBKUP* tasks must be shutdown to allow certain utility tasks to run. This is initiated by a Job Scheduler. A piece of REXX code runs to alter the preferences. When the utility tasks have completed, the preferences are reset, allowing the SUBKUP* tasks to restart. There is a 3rd move group level used to determine which utility task runs. Because these must all be serialized, I needed to use system MOVE groups to ensure one set of applications is done before starting another. Occasionally there is a problem with the process due to a failed task or operator error, but without INGMOVE or equivalent, it is difficult for the operator to diagnose and adjust.