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General System

Showing 11

enhanced IMS default DFSSPMxx for HIOP

Performance analysis of IMS pool usage by STRG trace and dump of controlregion reveals that requested HIOP buffersizes X'10000' and x'8148' for QCF are larger than largest buffersize in DFSSPMxx default for HIOP: 32768 decimal (see IMS system defi...
over 4 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Delivered

Expand REXXIMS MAPDEF Packed Decimal function

Expand the Packed Decimal length that MAPDEF can handle from 6 to 10 bytes.
almost 9 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Delivered

ST4507_WTWTTIME is not accurate because it is added by unit of 1024 microseconds.

ST4507_WTWTTIME is not accurate because it is added by unit of 1024 microseconds.ST4507_WTWTTIME is 4 bytes field as "Accumulated wait time - all Wait for Write (WTWT) " and is copied from LCDSTWTX in DFSFDLB0.LCDSTWTX is also 4 bytes field and DF...
over 3 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Delivered

Increase Maximum areas for a DEDB

IMS FP db's are limited by IBM to a total of 2048 db areas. We would like to have this increased. We would like this increase by 1st QTR 2019. We will assist in testing.
over 6 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Delivered

Prevent IMS abend U0904 during MFS online change

During the /MODIFY COMMIT of a FMTLIB type online change, if IMS detects an invalid entry in the directory of the new FORMAT library it will abend with U0904. The invalid directory could be caused by mistakenly linking a load module into the libra...
over 11 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 7 Delivered

Flag in X'07' or X'08' log records for PARDLI=

Please add a flag/bit to the IMS X'07' and/or X'08' log records that would indicate the PARDLI= setting the dependent region ran with.
about 9 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Delivered

DRD Exit equivalent to DFSINSX0 to insert BMP PDIR for scheduling

DRD Exit equivalent to DFSINSX0 to insert BMP PDIR for scheduling.
over 9 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 1 Delivered

IMS SQ structure overflow protection

Need IMS enhancement to the DFSQSSP0 (or equivalent) exit to provide feedback on the overall utilization of the shared message queue structures on the CF so solution can be implemented to monitor and prevent queue structures from becoming full.
almost 11 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 0 Delivered

IMS and IMS Connect password support should allow expanded character set

IMS and IMS Connect password handling should support any character supported by SAF and RACF. Password Security Enhancements have been made available via SAFAPAR OA43998 and RACF APAR OA43999 and allow more special characters to be used in passwor...
about 10 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 1 Delivered

Display message DFS3262 with error information "E" instead of "i"

send message DFS3262 with error detection (DFS3262E) instead of (DFS3262I) for the automation process to generate an alert to the operator.
over 11 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 3 Delivered