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Showing 6117

Create a suffixed DFSVC000 after IMS SYSGEN

Hi, In a SMP configuration with several IMS in the same target files.All the IMS have not the same IMSID in IMSCTRL macro the last IMS that has been SYSGENed, overrides DFSVC000 (SDFSRESL library) with its own IMSID A suffix membre for DFSVC00* wo...
over 11 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Not under consideration

Assembly Listing Headers - Four lines of USINGs information is not enough

Currently, the page headers area for Assembly listings is limited to 8 lines: title line, page number, column headers and... from two to four lines of active USINGs information. I use named USINGs a LOT! So much so, that I frequently blow through ...
almost 3 years ago in IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS and z/VM / Assembler 1 Not under consideration

Provide new ADCD RSU (PTFs) monthly maintenance

ADCD provided with ZPDT (for partners) has RSU maintenance (i think a monthly maintenance). The installation of this maintenance is responsibility of the customer. The ADCD provided with ZDT is different to the ADCD provided with ZPDT, but i think...
almost 3 years ago in Z Development and Test Environment 0 Not under consideration

AD to provide support for REXX

Provide support for REXX at the same level as COBOL and Pl/I.
about 7 years ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 2 Not under consideration

Threadsafe for function shipping over MRO

We are looking to use threadsafe to improve the throughput in our CICS regions. We keep coming to the need to have function shipping threadsafe using MRO (XM/XCF). We have tested using IPCONN, as recommended, and find that the resource usage is un...
almost 10 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Not under consideration

Enterprise Cobol V6+ - >>NOP for >>EVALUATE directive

In addition to our RFE 145885, we suggest the provision of a directive that does no action to be associated with a >>WHEN condition in a >>EVALUATE directive. It could be a >>NOP or >>CONTINUE directive. It is sometimes eas...
over 4 years ago in COBOL Compilers 3 Not under consideration

The function to import a test file as a stub is not available for local projects.

The function to import a test file (local or remote) as a stub is not available for local projects.
over 4 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / zUnit 3 Not under consideration

IP Probe: A “telnet-like” IP probe utility for z/tpf

The release of this tool to the public domain has been requested and authorised by sncf tpf systems management. The full code and documentation is available at Background: Whilst the use of...
over 1 year ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 1 Not under consideration

Automatically Unlock keyboard and Reset X SYSTEM

Add functionality to automatically unlock keyboard and reset X SYSTEM. Utilizing this will decrease the number of times users will need to manually reset their host emulator when navigating some applications.
over 11 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / z/OS Application Development 3 Not under consideration

DB2 tooling: Add a feature to control the end users ability to save a DB2 connection password in the IDz clinet.

Currently there is the ability to disable the save password feature for connections to the RSE server using the following server side parameter. _RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -DDENY_PASSWORD_SAVE=true" This feature does not extend to DB2 on z/OS c...
over 1 year ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Other/Unknown 1 Not under consideration