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All ideas

Showing 6119

AD can automatically pick up entry point programs and populate the reports and graphs

This RFE is related to case TS011387518. I ran a program flow graph of member CLZEUAD and this member calls a few SU members. Take SUQGSM3 as an example, this source file is renamed to TUQGSM3, and in this file the entry point of SUQGSM3 is define...
about 2 years ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 1 Not under consideration

z/OS Connect sends wrong absolute time to CICS application when a date-time string field is converted to an absolute time

The opening of this Design Change and why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work can be traced back to Case TS009967551 as requested by IBM ZCCEL3 Support.
about 2 years ago in z/OS Connect 1 Not under consideration

Quantum Neuron Cloud

Industry Viable Product & Service
about 2 years ago in IBM Personal Communications / Front End 2 Not under consideration

Day of week and Day of month support for ZSTIM

The TPF ZSTIM table should support additional functionality like "specific day of the week" or "specific day of the month". This was not that hard to implement and improves the capabilities of TPF's scheduler.
over 10 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 2 Not under consideration

Improve doc about CICS TS start up and shut down

Client feedback indicates that the documentation about CICS start up and shutdown is not clear and it occurs in multiple places in the Knowledge Center and is conflicting in these different places.
over 6 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Other 1 Not under consideration

zUnit to open test Editor quicker

Our applications typically have many programs and big copys. This causes that opening the zUnit Test Editor is very slow. With a certain program it took more than 2 minutes when opening with IDz v15.0.5 client, and around 30 seconds with IDz v16 c...
about 2 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / zUnit 2 Not under consideration

Find changed lines in LPEX EDITOR

LPEX EDITOR automatically flags changes lines with a purple mark on the left of the line.After making some changes to my program, I want to review all of them before saving the file.Is there a way to have a list of all the current changes, or at l...
about 4 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Client Install 1 Not under consideration

ABEND parameter for single IMS when IRLM ABEND occurs.

We need IMS ABEND parameter for single IMS(non-XRF and non-FDBR IMS) when IRLM ABEND occurs. Also, We hope you to standardize specification method of ABEND parameter.
over 10 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 0 Not under consideration

Make available additional source code information, used at compilation, in load module

We'd request that the location of the source code that was used during program compilation be made discoverable or available within the load module. For our purposes this would extend to COBOL, C/C++, PL/I, Assembler, Java. Our product team is req...
about 4 years ago in COBOL Compilers 3 Not under consideration


To facilitate the declaration of host-variables necessary for multirow access in DB2, I suggest the creation of a new SQL type dedicated to the creation (generation) of structures with OCCURS on elementary variables. SQL TYPE IS ROWSET FOR n ROWS ...
over 6 years ago in COBOL Compilers 2 Not under consideration