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All ideas

Showing 6119

Determining the ports in NSD "OTHER"

If a port is not in the Services file and there is IP traffic coming in and out on it, the counts are thrown into the "OTHER" bucket. Without going through IP trace there is no easy way to determine what ports are being thrown into the "OTHER" buc...
over 11 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 4 Not under consideration

Modify EXEC CICS ENABLE to permit specifying conditions for when the exit program is to be driven

Could EXEC CICS ENABLE command be modified to specify a condition for when an exit program could be driven. Conditional execution could be based on CICS resources such as task number, transaction name or program name for example. Maybe we could ha...
almost 3 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

AD connect to Endevor

Need support engagement and documentation to set up AD connect from windows server based ADDI build configuration to zOS MF Endevor to auto/upload code libraries to not only ADDI server, but to any server or file share required. Ideally, this acti...
over 5 years ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 2 Not under consideration

Support for enumerations in EGL

There's a need to be able to add enumerations in the EGL language so proper parameters can be defined in functions which forces the developer to pass predefined values.
about 14 years ago in IBM Rational Business Developer / EGL Language 4 Not under consideration

HLASM toolkit needs to support line-mode programs which use PUTGET and TGET macros

The HLASM Toolkit needs to support line-mode programs such as those which use the PUTGET and TGET macros/services. When such programs are tested using the Toolkit, the macros return invalid command buffer data. The Toolkit tests the programs as 32...
over 11 years ago in IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS and z/VM / Toolkit 2 Not under consideration

Améliorer l'ergonomie des entités "Bloc Base de Données" dans RPP

ESP utilise les entités "Bloc Bases de Données" pour générer des DDL pour DB2 sur z/OS.L'utilisation de ces designs n'est pas ergonomique, notamment le -DR.En particulier nous allons passer à DB2 V12 prochainement, ce qui va impliquer de changer b...
over 5 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Not under consideration

PL/1 Maven Plugins

I want a maven plugin that allows us putting source code into maven projects and compile them on the mainframe.
over 5 years ago in PL/I Compilers 2 Not under consideration

Message metadata repository for IMS/TM

Actually there is neither a way to retrieve message metadata for typical IMS transactions in IMS TM Resource Adapter or IMS Enterprise Suite Connect API from an IMS controlled nor metadata source nor a way to retrieve such metadata from IMS Java a...
over 8 years ago in IMS System Services / General System 2 Not under consideration

When code is generated by PACBASE, we can see the number of the session in CONSTANTES-PAC

When code is generated by PACBASE, we can see the number of the session in CONSTANTES-PAC . This number is actually the only way to control some installation on production sites . Actually in SDP we find 9999T in every generated code When need to ...
over 8 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 1 Not under consideration

Treat CPUTIME and COUNT in PROCLIM independent of each other in determining U240 Tran abend

Currently, a transaction can have a max time equal to the product of CPU-time-per-transaction and count as specified in the PROCLIM parm. This means that if the count needs to be adjusted for tuning purposes, it will have an impact to how long a l...
over 11 years ago in IMS System Services / Installation and Configuration 1 Not under consideration