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All ideas

Showing 6123

Command to display Regions with PWFI=N

Please provide an IMS command to easily list all regions/MPRs that are running based on PWFI=N or PWFI=Y.
over 6 years ago in IMS System Services / Commands 2 Not under consideration

AddBatch SQL support for Inserts

Customer measurements show that INSERT SQL statements are much slower than DLI Path Calls executed with the Universal Drivers. Customer likes to have addBatch support for speeding up SQL Inserts.
over 6 years ago in IMS Database Manager / Open Access DB 1 Not under consideration

Simplify Json builtin routines

1) We tried the json commands in PL/I, but sorry, they are programmer unfriendly. If I want to use them well I have to write a program around them and this is really not what I want. 2) a variable type json would be interesting ... sample json get...
over 6 years ago in PL/I Compilers 2 Not under consideration

ZOS Connect to support OAuth1.0

Our team is trying to make call from Mainframes to APIs that were build on cloud, these APIs are being built behind OAuth 1.0. we see that ZOS Connect supports OAuth 2.0, Can IBM ZOSConnect support OAuth 1.0 calls, so that we donot need a proxy be...
over 6 years ago in z/OS Connect 1 Not under consideration

To allow Windows Authentication in ADDI for SQL server

Hello Team, We are using Windows account to login into our servers and our SQL server for AD resides in different windows server.So to communicate between different application server we use windows authentication (which is mixed authentication mo...
over 6 years ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 1 Not under consideration

Inline __asm() to communicate ARCHLVL to HLASM for system macros

When a z/OS system macro is embedded in a __asm() block, HLASM assumes ARCHLVL=1 which means the macro will use base+displacement branching, which fails in an inline __asm() block due to "no active USING". Most macros implement a MF=E form which g...
over 6 years ago in C/C++ and Fortran Compilers / C/C++ 3 Not under consideration

DEBUG Request to Support Access Register Mode

Debug needs to support Access Register mode. Debug abends if the user attempts to stop a program that is in Access Register mode.
over 6 years ago in Debug for z/OS 2 Not under consideration

Smart Purge for DBCTL Tasks

We would like the CICS Purge Transaction Function to recognize that a task is in DBCTL processing and to then communicate with DBCTL to first purge the task from IMS, then continue with the purge in CICS.
over 6 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 1 Not under consideration

Ordre étiquettes sous-fonctions sur prévisualisation MSP

Partant d'un nouveau programme de nature T pour des tests, j'ai créé une fonction 70 en 05BL avec des sous-fonctions 70BA 10BL, 70BE 15IT et 70BI 15EL. Puis, j'ai appelé une macro, valorisé les paramètres en particulier l'emplacement en 70CA 10BL....
over 6 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 2 Not under consideration

ISPF ONLY command

"ONLY" EDIT-macro delivered with ISPF. ONLY works exactly as a EXCLUDE ALL followed by a FIND <needle> ALL. SISPSAMP library in member ISRONLY. ONLY string | EXCLUDE string? to show or exclude lines with string in their name
about 10 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / Usability 2 Not under consideration