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All ideas

Showing 8618

ADDI: Disabling logging on the client if no settings exist

When I start a new workspace and no settings for ADDI are set in the preferences, then the log is written full with trace information. In the workspace and in the product itself no tracing settings are set.Not only the performance suffers but also...

SIT Parmeter to perform a SSL rebuild command périodically

SIT parameter to generate a SSL perform rebuild command automatically
over 3 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Not under consideration

parallel build client calls

In the case of a large number of AD projects (approx. 500), which contain a different number of mainframe artifacts (up to max. 20000), one call for the creation, import and build of each individual AD project in succession cannot be implemented o...
almost 5 years ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 1 Not under consideration

ADDI CA7 job triggering flow with Data Files usage

CA7 will drive the flow of files shared thru path.
about 1 year ago in Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence / Application Discovery 2 Functionality already exists

Add database fields for DWC reporting

We are currently planning to replace a homegrown system which creates TWS reports, with DWC reporting feature. However, we are missing a mandatory field from the Current Plan z/OS DB2 archive database, which is the AD Owner ID. Our current system ...
almost 5 years ago in IBM Z Workload Scheduler 0 Future consideration

IMS Restart Light as an FDBR replacement

Provide an option to do an IMS Restart Light (comparable to a DB2 restart light) which only closes the Online Log Dataset (OLDS) , does Backout for any inflight PSB, and releases corresponding IRLM locks. IMS Control region should then shutdown im...
almost 11 years ago in IMS System Services / System Restart 1 Not under consideration

DFHFCT BDAM supported as RDO defined

Provide support for DFHFCT BDAM files to be supported in RDO,
almost 11 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Not under consideration

AMODE64 as AMODE 31 is everywhere in the bowels of CICS, and the product would need almost a complete rewrite to support AMODE 64 COBOL.

To support Above the BAR storage allocations. COBOL supports this, but CICS does not.
over 2 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 5 Not under consideration

TCPIP Secure Socket

We are wanting to convert from NVAS as a Session Manager to IBM CL/SUPERSESSION. It has been determined that CL/SUPERSESSION does not support Secure Sockets
almost 5 years ago in IBM CL/SuperSession for z/OS / Runtime 3 Future consideration

Provide mechanism for setting BZUEXTRA with location of loadlib dataset (PDS) containing business load module

I am opening this RFE on behalf of customer (THE PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP) to improve zUnit automation and generation process. Currently, zUnit does not provide an easy method for specifying the loadlib dataset (PDS) containing the test target...
over 3 years ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / zUnit 3 Not under consideration