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Pinned ideas

PINNED Respect $HOME/.config/go/env
After adding eval $(/path/to/goz-env) in .profile, each time I log in to OMVS, I get 3 or 4 lines about $COMPILER_PATH. Can you add config to turn this off, please? Second, even if I have $HOME/.config/go/env (per XDG spec), go env says that `go` ...

All ideas

Showing 4846

Possibilité d'export de l'onglet 'niveau, position et longueur' d'un segment en CSV

Lorsque l'on affiche cet onglet bien utile, il manque la possibilit? de faire un "export en mode CSV" du tableau correspondant au contenu du segment. En effet nous avons souvent besoin de ces donn?es sur forme bureautique. Axe d'am?lioration : ajo...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered

Missing Info about LOCALCCSID

Sometimes data conversion is necessary. For terminal data a ASSIGN GCODE informs about the terminal codepage. But there is no information about the codepage, CICS itself is using
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 4 Delivered

Include the IP number and the port in all debugger dump messages

In the case of debugger dumps both the IP number and the port number should be included are part of the dump message going to the console..In this case the dump number ADB01 did not included it.
over 9 years ago in z/TPF Product Family / z/TPF 2 Delivered

Get options from %PROCESS/*PROCESS in SYSADATA

In future, we would like to be able to control the use of compiler options specified at %PROCESS/*PROCESS on an exception basis. Instead of specifying the installation default in IBMZIOP protected from being overridden. To unprotect the installati...
over 9 years ago in PL/I Compilers 2 Delivered

Monitor node should communicate to all other nodes its list of libraries

Each monitor node should communicate to all other nodes it's list of monitored libraries. Each Monitor node must be aware of its "locally LLA managed libraries" as well as all "remotely LLA managed libraries" and be able to notify about updates af...
over 9 years ago in IBM Data Set Commander 2 Delivered

Support of http method patch in CICS

Currently there is a important and time critical project in FI, which implements a new functionality for of our savings banks. For this application we have to use an interface of an external partner,. The interface of the partner is already implem...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 6 Delivered

Enhance CICS Explorer to provide more statistics for DB2CONN POOL data.

In Explorer DB2CONN we have available TCB LIMIT, Current TCB's, Threadlimit, THWM.Please add Total Thread Waits,Total number of calls using Pool Threads. , Total number of Pool Thread Creates . . Total number of Pool Thread Reuses. . . Total numbe...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Explorer 7 Delivered

Merge Views, Preferences - share customized views

Example: I have set up a customized view with columns the way I want them and I want to share it with someone else. I don't want to share a Perspective, just the View. I don't want to replace their View, but want to merge my customizations into th...
over 9 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Explorer 4 Delivered

Le micro-pattern * supprime les blancs en début de chaine

Le micro-pattern "*" (commentaire) supprime les espaces plac?s en d?but de la chaine op?rande. Pour reproduire le fonctionnement Pacbase et avoir le m?me cadrage dans le source Cobol, RPP ne devrait pas supprimer les espaces plac?s en d?but de la ...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 2 Delivered

Gérer les "conditions" des fonctions / sous-fonctions au moyen de micro-patterns

Actuellement, le code Cobol correspondant ? la "condition" d'ex?cution d'une fonction / sous-fonction apparait sous forme de code sp?cifique et n'est pas prot?g? contre les actions "inappropri?e" du d?veloppeur, ("prologue" en d?but de fonction / ...
over 9 years ago in Rational Programming Patterns 3 Delivered