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IBM Z Software

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Respect $HOME/.config/go/env
After adding eval $(/path/to/goz-env) in .profile, each time I log in to OMVS, I get 3 or 4 lines about $COMPILER_PATH. Can you add config to turn this off, please? Second, even if I have $HOME/.config/go/env (per XDG spec), go env says that `go` ...

All ideas

Showing 8620

Include elapsed upload time in cloud dataset display

During file upload CTC calculates the current upload rate and elapsed upload time, both values are visible in the active tasks display. Once the upload completes the entry no longer exists under active tasks, but it is available in the cloud datas...
about 5 years ago in IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS 0 Future consideration

CICS Explorer - CPSM WLM Admin Enhance Navigation and Help Information

- Location of the WLMGROUPs is not easy to find- There is not a view for all resource types (WLMSPEC, WLMGROUP, WLMDEF, TRANGRP, etc)- NEW vs New From is confusing- Screen Help information is not built for all the screens- Categorization of Resour...
over 10 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Explorer 5 Not under consideration

We have a concern that it seems to be an architectural design limit to PDSEs that they will not extend beyond one volume.Need

Hi Team, We have a concern that it seems to be an architectural design limit to PDSEs that they will not extend beyond one volume.Need to know if this is actually the case.If it is, then is there a way to allow them extend beyond one volume. Or an...
about 5 years ago in IBM Advanced Archive for DFSMShsm 0 Planned for future release

Implement console command to allow the setting of CTG agteway health in WLM

We are looking for a method to control new workload connections to not go to certain CTG gateway regions without needing to cycle gateway regions which will cause failing application requests. This request is to extend the already existing command...
about 5 years ago in CICS Transaction Gateway / Runtime 2 Not under consideration

support private File in CICS Application

support private file in CICS application. So I can define file as part of application and use it in multi-version scenarios.
over 10 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Not under consideration

ZDT - Add datasets to ADCD w/o having deployed ADCD using Tools

Requirement to use Tools for dataset copy from source system to ZDT ADCD w/o having initially deployed ADCD using Tools. In other words, no dependency on Tools required to deploy ADCD, then add data using Tools.
about 5 years ago in Z Development and Test Environment 2 Not under consideration

Add the Concurrency attribute to the Library RDO resource.

Add the Concurrency attribute to the Library RDO resource. It would have the same meaning and values as Concurrency on the Program definition, except it would apply to all programs loaded from the library. It could also be left blank (which would ...
over 10 years ago in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS / Runtime 3 Not under consideration

XMLVIEW function is not present in FM DB2 plug-in

There is no way to see XML data on the XML column in the FM DB2 plug-in. Meanwhile in ISPF FM DB2 offers XMLVIEW command where XML can be viewed.
about 5 years ago in File Manager for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

DB2/RHEL/Systemd compliance gaps

Our mutual customer has identified several gaps in functionality with regard to the IBM DB2 database that were exposed when Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 transitioned from a System V init environment to systemd for booting and service initialization....
about 5 years ago in IMS Database Manager / General DB 1 Not under consideration

JWT Client Token Coded CTG.INI

JWTclient Token coded into CTG.INI file, It is not a good solution from separation of duty and Security Audit Perspective. JWT Token and the CTG general parameters should coded in different file and controlled by different teams.
about 5 years ago in CICS Transaction Gateway / Runtime 2 Future consideration