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Development has reviewed the request and we will update the status to Resolve - Uncommitted Candidate and add it to our development task list. Additional feedback from our recent questions is still requested.
private Would like to know if you have additional comments that will aid our development team in reviewing the enhancement request. Wanted to verify you received our latest update to the RFE.
We’ve received multiple requests to provide a view of a user’s “current” session list but depending on the environment, this may mean different things to different sites and we would like clarification/confirmation before moving forward with review/sizing. We want to better understand the problem we are trying to address.
Please consider the following:
Sessions presented to a user on the CL/SuperSession main menu are the result of several operations. Sessions can be defined via the APPLDEF command and/or entries in various session profiles (GLOBAL/GROUP/USER); further, the resulting list may be affected by an administrator “blocking” sessions and/or exploiting “dynamic application lists,” also called Dynamic APPLISTs. With Dynamic APPLISTs, the user’s proposed session list is passed to external security and any sessions invalidated there are removed prior to displaying the list for user access.
Thus, for an active user, this data already exists in the user’s open table userid.CURRENT.SESSION.PROFILE.time. For users not logged on, the data may be more difficult to harvest.
One request suggested this view could be on the Profile Administration panel KLSADSP1, “Update User Session Profile for User "xxxxxxxx." For sites using external security to control app display this is a good solution inasmuch as an administrator cannot use that interface to update the session list, anyway. For other environments, those making extensive use of blocking, for example, such a display would be an *additional* option.
Further, a user has asked that this view be available via the HelpDesk, as well, which begs the question: What is the value of viewing such a list actually defined elsewhere?
How would this information be used? For example, if by a help desk technician, would it then be enough to show this information *only for active users?
Feedback is appreciated.
Hello Kerry,
for me and my colleagues this RFE is not medium, we would rather rank it higher, too.
The "as-is state" is really hindering our work as admins. We used dynamic application lists built by RACF on all systems here in our company.
(a lower two-digit value)
So, to display ALL existing applications on user layer within supersession is very confusing, disturbing and misleading for problem diagnosis, instead of only displaying the real menu sessions that users have assigned through RACF. This feature is standard in many other session managers on the market. There you can see exactly on user level, which sessions are assigned by RACF to the user.
I assume that all other customers that have voted here would be very happy as well, if they could see this behaviour in supersession, too.
Additionally it would be a really good idea or extension to support this in helpdesk, too.
There you can only see activated or started sessions of users.
Other session managers are much better positioned here, they are displaying here all user sessions, all activated and inactive sessions of users.
This would make the lives of admins much easier in PD.
So, we would appreciate these option very much, too (or do we have to open another RFE for it ?).
Maybe it's simple to implement both functions.
Many thanks in advance.
with kindest regards, Alfred
Thank you for the enhancement request. We will provide the information to development for review.