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This Idea is being accepted and will be further updated once put into plan. Thanks.
Thank you for the additional information. We are currently reviewing it.
Here is a use case: validating a date data-item.
It would be possible to transfer areas CC9 and YY9 to a working area in packed-decimal or binary format before doing the calculation, but this would unnecessarily complicate the code when in any case that is what the compiler will do itself .
Filtering by MSGEXIT will not meet the need: it is not the level of severity of the message that is in question, it is the context of detection of the performance problem that is in question.
In other contexts the detection of the performance problem must apply and the message must be issued.
Also note that the IGYPA3084-W message can be issued on a code deemed non-performing, while this same code can be eliminated by the OPTIMIZE(1) option if it is not referenced (dead code).
Hi Denis, can you please describe in detail what in your framework that requires you to break the RULES that you currently have set?
Would MSGEXIT() work for your scenario?