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Status Not under consideration
Workspace PL/I Compilers
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 29, 2016

EMAIL Built-in Function

Sending SMTP email natively from a PL/I program would be handy.



Perhaps for the body argument, be flexible and allow quoted text, a variable name or a DD name which the compiler can figure out via the declarations. Most likely attachments would always use a DD name.

I know there are more options (importance, read receipt, BCC, permissions, etc.) and I'll leave it up to IBM to determine what to support initially, but the six arguments above would be the minimum. Allow multiple attachments via optional arguments.

Idea priority Low
  • Guest
    Apr 27, 2016

    this doesn't belong to the PL/I language proper (nor to C/C++ etc)

  • Guest
    Apr 19, 2016

    imho this is not something that shall go into language, but into some kind of runtime library.
    just my 0.02€,

  • Guest
    Apr 19, 2016

    When do we get an option to down-vote requests that have abso-*****-ing nothing to do with the core PL/I language?

    Next thing he will be asking for a builtin function to process ZIP files, generate HTML, do FTP transfers to remote sites....

  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2016


    Just a note to this RFE, we are using the IBM CSSMTP product which comes with the TCP/IP product for free.
    CSSMTP's input is a regular spool file. We wrote a PL/1 interface that generates the SMTP input to CSSMTP using BPXWDYN to allocate the spool file. If you are interested I can give you more details about it.

    regards, Marcel

  • Guest
    Mar 31, 2016

    To be reviewed further.