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Showing 8599

Add a new DISPLAY for CLASS

Currently, one of our customers is using the IMS command /STO CLASS CLASS# to stop the transaction execution in one of the IMSs in the PLEX environment. However, there is only one command to investigate the CLASS situation /DIS STATUS CLASS, and i...
3 months ago in IMS Transaction Manager / General TM 0 Under review

Enabling GENDAYS in EQQAMRPL (AD - Run-Panel)

Since GENDAYS is very helpful for simulating runcycle groups and rules to verify the definitions, it should able to use it in EQQAMRPL (AD - Run-Panel). Since the command GENDAYS can already be used in the database to verify runcycle groups, it se...
over 1 year ago in IBM Z Workload Scheduler 0 Future consideration

Improve DTCNDELETEDEADPROF to delete only unused profiles for a specific period

Enabling DTCNDELETEDEADPROF parameter causes to delete all profiles after logoff of the user. Unfortunately, debugger users should redefine deleted profiles at their next logon. A new parameter so to delete only DTCN profiles that have not been us...
10 months ago in Debug for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

IBM Z Open Automation Utilities should eliminate dependencies on SSVIVERS returned by SSI 54.

SSVIVERS has been a highly-volatile field over the years for both JESes. Historically, these values have been: JES2 Value JES3 Value OS Release'SP v.r.m' 'SP v.r.m' MVS/SP'OS v.r.m' 'OS v.r.m' OS/390 V1.1 through V2.9'OS 2.10 ' 'OS 2.10 ' OS/390 V...
about 2 years ago in Z Open Automation Utilities 1 Not under consideration

Add timeout for active and parked debug sessions in IBM Z Open Debug in VS Code

It is common that developers leave active debug sessions open, leaving for lunch or afternoon tea. Even more common that multiple sessions are parked without ever being connected to. It would be VERY helpful if these sessions could timeout. We wou...
about 1 year ago in Debug for z/OS 0 Future consideration

zPCR and zBNA - Offer as a zOSMF Plugin

zPCR and zBNA should be available as zOSMF Plugins to avoid SMF data to be exported off platform. Both Plugins relay on SMF data which is stored and protected on the Mainframe. Currently we have to offload them via FTP to an other platform where w...
6 months ago in IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics 1 Not under consideration

zIIP-enable Node.js

We've made a significant investment in Node.js, but it runs slow compared to Java and Python because it's not zIIP enabled the way those languages are (Java 100% and Python 70%). Zowe also uses Node.js, but we couldn't rewrite that in Java or Pyth...
about 1 month ago in IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js 2 Future consideration

Make Temp datasets configurable

Hi, We found that while copying load modules from one PDS to another, IBM uses a standard temporary dataset format which is against our shop SMS rules. We found that there isn't a way to override the second and third nodes to confirm with inhouse ...
about 1 month ago in IBM Developer for z/OS / All components 0 Submitted

Full IBM support required of OMA (OPC Migration Aid) related modules used to migrate non IBM Scheduling Tools to IzWS.

As part of a recent migration from the CA7 Batch Scheduling Tool to IBM's IzWS, a number of OMA (OPC Migration Aid) related modules, supplied by the IBM migration team, were integrated into our local environment. Noting these modules are a require...
7 months ago in IBM Z Workload Scheduler 1 Not under consideration

See only Sessions from Users under Admin

We use the dynamic Appllist in the most of our susersessions.Then today, if a Admin-user will select the sessions under ADMIN in the Supersession from an other user, he will see all his sessions. But he need only see the sessions, witch the user h...
over 4 years ago in IBM CL/SuperSession for z/OS / Other 5 Future consideration