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Hi Marco,
We have decided not to use SailPoint in our test environment.
Since there is a work around and we are just not implementing in our test environment please cancel/close this idea.
Thank you,
June Lakes
If you need to change the TSO user password you cannot avoid to use the 3270 session unless you use some other tools to do it. You mention that you solved the problem in DEV and PROD with SailPoint, why this not a good solution for your TEST environment?
Hi, were there other questions? What other information is needed?
We are not using USERMAP parameter. We are using RACF, EQQADMIN class. We do have SailPoint installed to change passwords where it is running in DEV and PROD environments, however, this does not help us in our test environment.
If the scenario is related to the change of the password of the TSO user provided in the USERMAP parameter at expiration time, we don't see how this can be avoided for security reasons. Would it be possible for your users to reset using any web client that supports TN3270 protocol?
Please let us know if this is the actual scenario.