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COBOL Compilers

Showing 279

XML PARSE INTO structure

Exchanging XML request/reply documents between JAVA and COBOL in CICS can leverage well defined xml schemas that can be generated from XML GENERATE sample instances. XML GENERATE works well for Response structure from COBOL to JAVA, but XML PARSE ...
almost 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 3 Not under consideration

COBOL V5+ Recursion Protection for File Declaratives

If an abnormal file condition is "protected" by a COBOL declarative routine and this routine closes the file the file status becomes 00 and another write attempt by the application will fail again driving the declarative again, thus creating a loop.
over 4 years ago in COBOL Compilers 3 Not under consideration

Secured Move Overlapping

Sometimes it may be necessary to shift data within a structure.Example:- Insert / remove an item in a sorted memory table.- Insert / replace / remove a substring in a string.For this we can define a more or less complex and CPU expensive algorithm...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 9 Not under consideration

CICS and SQL host variables should be added to COBOL cross reference.

The XREF listing produced by the compiler omits unreferenced SQL or CICS variables. In this example, BARREC RECLEN and CICSRESP are not in the listing file's cross reference map.EXEC CICS REWRITE FILE(FILE-NAME) FROM(BARREC) LENGTH(RECLEN) RESP(CI...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 2 Not under consideration

Cob5: Enhancements Compile Listing Option MAP

PP 5655-W32 IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 5.2.0 With compile option MAP the total size of working-storage or WSA is not included in compile listing. Enterprise Cobol 4.2 and its predecessors are showing this when compiling with option MAP.Example:...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 7 Not under consideration

False INITCHECK messages for MOVEs of overlapping storage

The compiler should not produce INITCHECK warnings when the piece of a source field of an overlapping MOVE is initialized. In the example use case, the overlapping move results in WORK-REST being set to LOW-VALUES from the filler at the beginning ...
over 4 years ago in COBOL Compilers 1 Not under consideration

Cobol V5 - Abend S0C4 in IGZCEV4 for CEEDUMP when an UNBOUNDED memory table is present

When a CEEDUMP is fired on a COBOL V5 program containing a memory table with an OCCURS TO UNBOUNDED clause, it cause a S0C4 / CEE3204S ( IGZCEV4 routine) because it is beyond the allocated memory actually in UNBOUNDED table and the dump is incompl...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 8 Is a defect

Cobol V5 - Mixture kind of interest in RULES(NOLAXPERF)

Option RULES(NOLAXPERF) concerns both about writing Cobol source and compilation options used. In a "industrial" building process (compilation, build process), compilation procedures can not be controlled by the developer, and inform him warnings ...
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 4 Not under consideration

Cobol V5 - Error displaying ARCH option in CEEDUMP - ARCH(10) shown as ARCH(0)

CEEDUMP displays the compile options of a program compiled with Cobol V5. ARCH information seems incorrect : it is returned to 0 as we compile with ARCH (10).
over 9 years ago in COBOL Compilers 4 Is a defect

Enterprise Cobol - Add suboption DUMP where suboption ABD/MSG exists

Some compilation options give the choice between abandoning the program (ABD), or simply sending a message (MSG) in the event of a problem. We would like an suboption to be added to produce a dump (of the enclave), without stopping the execution o...
almost 5 years ago in COBOL Compilers 4 Not under consideration